Richest man of India Mr. Mukesh Ambani recently visited Udaipur. They have chosen Mumbai to host their son Akash Ambani's wedding, which will take place in March next year.
Destination weddings in Udaipur have increased in number in recent years and this city has hosted many high profile weddings. According to the article Ambani family may choose to host some of the pre wedding ceremonies in Udaipur.
In any case, somewhat recently or thereabouts, the ubiquity of the ITI courses has plunged radically because of different elements iti result. This has constrained numerous understudies to begin pondering the feasibility of taking up an ITI course. Today, understudies frequently face questions, for example, 'Have ITI preparing programs lost their old sheen? Are such preparing programs valuable as of now?' Come, let us track down replies to these inquiries